Wood logistics in the Great East: what possible innovations?
The project is supported by the regional transport observatories of the Great East. Its aim is to better understand the processes that take place between the forest and the primary wood processing sites (sawmills, crushing industries, boilers, etc) to suggest ways to improve their logistics.
Regional transport observatories (ORT) of the Great East are geared to improve knowledge in the fields of transport and logistics. They form a network in order to share available resources and work together to develop knowledge and information tools on transport and logistics.
The ORTs of Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne, Franche-Comté and Lorraine joined forces to launch a study on the timber industry logistics, in collaboration with the cross-industries FIBOIS Alsace, GIPEBLOR, ADIB Franche-Comté et VALEUR BOIS. The study covers all the flows of wood products (logs, cut-to-length timber, chips, etc) from forest to the gate of primary wood processing industries.
The main objective of this project, based on strong dialogue with professionals, is to propose ways to improve timber industry logistics across the Great East by defining easily applicable innovative concepts. Other objectives are to answer questions asked by the timber industry actors, more specifically to know the proportions of import-export flow, the wood energy-softwood lumber flows, the maximum length-maximum volume flows.
The completion of this study has been commissioned to Richard EMEYRIAT (FORET LOGISTIQUE CONSEIL) and Adrien ARRAIOLOS (XYLOLINK). Great East professionals were consulted in May and June 2015. Workshops were organized in June-July 2015. The outcomes of the study has been presented on thursday 09th June 2016.
For further information please contact the ORTAL: tel- - ortal@i-carre.net

© Richard EMEYRIAT
Collaborative project between FORET LOGISTIQUE CONSEIL and XYLOLINK
Sponsors : Regional Observatories of Transport (ORT) of the Great East (Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne, Franche-Comté, Lorraine)
Project started in February 2015
Presentation of results at a public conference:
Thursday 09th June 2016
at the Prémontrés abbey (Pont à Mousson)
from 2pm to 6pm

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