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Platform & timber yard design (feasibility study)

The platforms and timber yards are key points in the wood supply chain, whether for timber industry, wood industry or energy wood. Forêt Logistique Conseil provides its expertise to assess the feasibility of projects and optimise their cost. 

The feasibility study is carried out taking into account the objectives and means of the project leader. This study includes: 

- a forward of activity taking into account the specificities of the forest wood sector in order to assess the potential profitability of the project and to size the site to be created;  

- a preliminary design that describes the site configuration, develops a first encryption of investments, provides a schedule of the project progression taking into account the professional expertise.  

Last update Wednesday 24 July 2024
Platform & timber yard design (feasibility study)Richard EMEYRIAT
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Bénéficiez des conseils de gestion d'un expert en ingénierie forestière.Help you grow

The development of your forest activities requires the development of forecasting , elaboration of financing projects , and evaluation of technical and economic relevance of your projects. Forêt Logistique Conseil brings you a rare expertise to support your development based on a double competence in forestry and financial and strategic management .

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